NDI Software Packages
NDI Cygna-6D™
This software program for the Polaris and Aurora systems is an essential component of the tool characterization process and is necessary for the creation of tool definition files. As a replacement for its predecessor (NDI 6D Architect™), Cygna-6D features an efficient user interface that has been streamlined to a single window, reducing the number of steps (and dialogue boxes) to complete tasks.
Cygna-6D introduces new functionality to digitize individual tool points via a tracked probe; define a local coordinate system via a reference tool, and load and visualize 3D models of tools. Cygna-6D maintains backward compatibility with existing tool definition files and provides direct connectivity and interoperability with
In the case of Polaris optical trackers, Cygna-6D continues to let users measure relative marker positions; set important parameters; assign markers to faces; test marker geometries, and define local coordinate systems. For the Aurora, the Cygna-6D software retains the ability to define local coordinate systems, characterize custom-designed tools, and create and program tool definition files to the custom tool’s SROM device.
Application Program Interface (API)
The Polaris and Aurora APIs make it easy for OEM developers to integrate different Polaris or Aurora operating commands and parameters into their host application software. The API is built directly into the Polaris or Aurora system; it is not a separate software package that needs to run on the host computer. The API encompasses a wide range of functions, from data streaming and measurement rates to tool transformations and user alerts.
For example, the Polaris Vega contains over 49 standard commands—and over 100 user parameters—for configuring and controlling the Polaris Vega from the host application software. Specific commands for the Polaris Vega VT video camera are also included.
Application Program Interface (API) Sample
This sample source code helps users to better understand how to communicate with the Polaris or Aurora system through its API. It provides guidance for integrating the Polaris or Aurora system with custom software applications.
NDI ToolBox™
This collection of software utilities allows OEM developers to configure, upgrade, troubleshoot and test the Polaris and Aurora solutions. It also supports tool tracking and the collection and saving of tool tracking data. For the Polaris Vega VT, the NDI ToolBox software also provides a video client application for streaming video.
This software package allows users to communicate via USB using the 3D Guidance API and allows for sensor tracking and the collection and saving of sensor tracking data.
API Test
This software utility allows users to communicate using single API commands with the 3D Guidance system. Provides visibility to individual command responses and settings changes without having to implement those functions in code. Useful for confirming and debugging developer code.

Technology Comparison
Learn the differences between Optical Measurement and Electromagnetic Tracking.
Legal Disclaimer
NDI tracking and measurement products are general metrology components that can be integrated into customer products, research experiments, and/or as components of medical devices that require precision measurement and tracking. While NDI components and technology can be integrated into original equipment manufacturer (OEM) medical devices, they are not specifically intended for a given application and, as such, have not been developed or manufactured in accordance with medical device standards. It remains the responsibility of the OEM customer or end-user to determine and test the suitability of NDI components and technology for their intended use, including performing any required ethics approval, verification, and validation required to demonstrate suitability and compliance. System-level testing, certification, and validation are the responsibility of the original equipment manufacturer or the applicable end-user and should be completed prior to the use of NDI products or technologies in any application.