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EM and Optical Navigation Technology Videos

Polaris Lyra® – Optical Navigation in Confined Spaces

Tracking 6D tool positions and orientations with low data latency, high update rate, and unparalleled accuracy, the Polaris Lyra® complements the workflow of many OEM applications used in spinal surgery, neurosurgery, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) procedures.

Optical Navigation in TMS Applications

High accuracy, a small footprint, and a short stand-off make the Polaris Lyra® a trusted choice for OEM solution providers providing real-time neuronavigation for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). The Polaris Lyra optical navigation technology allows clinicians to create personalized therapies with accurate repeatability.

How Passive Marker Spheres Work

NDI pioneered the development of the passive marker sphere, which is attached to surgical instruments and acts as a location point in the OR. NDI Passive Spheres are used to calibrate the NDI Polaris tracker and optimize measurement performance.

Optical Navigation Technology

The Polaris family of optical trackers is used to track the position and orientation of surgical instruments in 3D space in real-time. These trackers use infrared light to detect reflective markers attached to the instruments and triangulate their positions. The tracking data is then processed by a host application, which displays the instruments’ locations and paths like how a GPS tracks a device’s location.

Electromagnetic Tracking Solutions

NDI’s Aurora® Electromagnetic tracking technology uses an electromagnetic field to accurately localize and track OEM medical instruments in 3D space. It provides real-time tracking of microsensors that can be embedded into rigid and flexible OEM medical instruments such as ultrasound probes, endoscopes, catheters, guidewires or even at the tip of a needle. 

Bronchoscopic diagnostics and Ablation with Aurora Electromagnetic Tracking Technology

The video describes the use of an endoscope with embedded sensors that is tracked by the Aurora electromagnetic tracking solution. The sensors relay position and orientation tracking data to the OEM host application, enabling the scope to be navigated to the treatment site using preoperative image sets.

Electromagnetic Tracking Technology in Interventional Cardiology Procedures

The video shows how the Window Field Generator establishes a measurement volume for tracking medical instruments. A sensor-guided guidewire is used to guide the instruments to the treatment site, and it is exchanged for a trans-septal needle and a sensorized mapping catheter for precise targeting and mapping of abnormal tissue.