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3 Vega Models

Optical Navigation that
Drives Breakthroughs in Surgical Navigation

Our advanced optical measurement solution, with three models of optical trackers that deliver unrivalled measurement performance and versatility for emerging OEM surgical navigation applications.

A Versatile Optical Measurement Solution for
OEM Surgical Navigation Systems

3 Choices 1

The Polaris Vega® optical navigation solution has three models of optical trackers that can be integrated into the workflow of OEM surgical navigation systems: the Polaris Vega XT®, Polaris Vega VT®, and Polaris Vega ST®.

Multiple Tools

Each Polaris Vega model has distinct technical specifications and customization options. Add a full library of API commands and near-countless rigid body and tool design possibilities, and every Polaris Vega is as unique as the OEM’s surgical navigation system and application.


All three Polaris Vega models share a common technology platform (read more about the technology here), using near-infrared (IR) light to track the real-time positions of OEM surgical instruments via attached navigation markers.

Polaris Vega XT

Premium performance and accuracy targeted at robotic applications.

With a volumetric accuracy of up to 0.12 RMS, latency of less than three milliseconds, and frame rates as high as 400 Hz, our premier optical tracker can be used with a variety of robot-assisted surgical applications.

Polaris Vega VT

High accuracy with an integrated video camera enabling ARVR applications

With HD video and IR tracking capabilities providing a live video stream of tracked surgical instruments, this specialized optical tracker can be used in a variety of augmented reality applications.

Polaris Vega ST

High Performance with optional radiation hardening for gamma and neutron radiation suites

With a frame rate of 60 Hz, volumetric accuracy to 0.12 mm, and data streaming via Ethernet connectivity, this versatile optical tracker can be integrated into a wide range of surgical navigation solutions.

Polaris Vega Model Comparison

Polaris Vega ST Polaris Vega VT Polaris Vega XT
Ideal For Gamma and Neutron Radiated Suites Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications Robotic Applications
Maximum Frame Rate (Hz) 60 60 400
Typical Latency (ms) 17 17 < 3
Reduced Data Noise
Radiation Hardening
Integrated HD Video Camera
NDI Polaris

All Polaris Vega Models:

Volumetric Accuracy RMS (Pyramid)1,2:0.12 mm
Volumetric Accuracy RMS (Extended Pyramid)1,2:0.15 mm
95% Confidence Interval (Pyramid)1,2:0.20 mm
95% Confidence Interval 1,2:0.30 mm
Dimensions:591 mm x 103 mm x 106 mm
Weight:1.7 kg3
Mounting:Four M4 x 0.7 mm pitch x 10 mm deep threaded holes, rear mount
Tool Types:Passive, Active Wired, Active Wireless
Maximum Number of Tools:25, Maximum 6 active wireless
Maximum Number of Markers per Tool:6 single-face/20 multi-face
Data Communication Gigabit Ethernet
Communication Protocol TCP, UDP

1Based on a single marker stepped through more than 900 positions throughout the measurement volume using the mean of 30 samples at each position at 20°C

2Accuracy stated based on overall volume

3Weight with radiation hardening: 2.15 kg 

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Case Study:
Robotic Navigation Development Kit

Developing a medical robot that tracks both the patient and robot dynamically with an optical tracker involves complex robotics and navigation. The KUKA Development Kit is ideal for start-ups and scale-up OEMs, saving months in development.

All Polaris Vega Models:

Volumetric Accuracy RMS (Pyramid)1,2: 0.12 mm
Volumetric Accuracy RMS (Extended Pyramid)1,2: 0.15 mm
95% Confidence Interval (Pyramid)1,2: 0.20 mm
95% Confidence Interval 1,2: 0.30 mm
Dimensions: 591 mm x 103 mm x 106 mm
Weight: 1.7 kg3
Mounting: Four M4 x 0.7 mm pitch x 10 mm deep threaded holes, rear mount
Tool Types: Passive, Active Wired, Active Wireless
Maximum Number of Tools: 25, Maximum 6 active wireless
Maximum Number of Markers per Tool: 6 single-face/20 multi-face

1Based on a single marker stepped through more than 900 positions throughout the measurement volume using the mean of 30 samples at each position at 20°C

2Accuracy stated based on overall volume

3Weight with radiation hardening: 2.15 kg 

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Case Study:
Robotic Navigation Development Kit

Developing a medical robot that tracks both the patient and robot dynamically with an optical tracker involves complex robotics and navigation. The KUKA Development Kit is ideal for start-ups and scale-up OEMs, saving months in development.

We want to help you find your way.

Let our expert sales and integration team help you discover which optical navigation solution best fits your application. Provide your information and we’ll follow up with you shortly.

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